Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Werewolf's Tail update

One the Left is the Cover. On the right is the Back cover

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Werewolf's Tail

the cover for my book. Rough placement

Monday, September 28, 2009

Drawing: Block in value pattern

Goal: See, draw series of relationships with shadows

Drawing approach: block in value pattern

Medium: charcoal, kneaded eraser, 18/24

Drawing: Skull

Goal: To draw the whole before a part/detail/ and learn how not to flip to grid

Drawing approach: Measured line, see/draw the part before the whole,

Medium: Charcoal on 18/24

Drawing: Petie (Continous line)

This is Petie, he is a continues line contore drawing.

Medium: Pincel

Continous line Contore

Goal: Don't name subject, connect hand with eye, non perfect drawing

Drawing approach: Draw the contors of subject while observing with a continues line

Medium: Pincel

Drawing: Blind continous contore

Goal: To not name or use a symbol bank, and to try and connect your eye with your hand, and to emphasize non perfect drawing

Drawing approach: Observed continues line

Medium: Pencil

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Radial symmetry

This is my radial symmetery

Picture plane

This Jack. He is my picture plane... And yes, Jack as in Jack the Ripper... Ain't he cute?

Human reference

Human reference

Figure ground

This is my figure ground


This is my example of Contrast. Its Little Joe's horse


This is my example of context


This is Axis symmetery


This is an example of Asymmetry

Monday, September 7, 2009

Emphasis/ focal point: Absence

This is a wall in my hallway. It shows absence

Emphasis/ focal point: Placement

This is Waverly. He is my placement example

Emphasis/ focal point: Isolation

This is a werewolf stuffed toy I made. He is showing isolation

Emphasis/ focal point: Contrast

This is the "Palace of the Popes" in Avingon France. It shows focal contrast

Rythum: Movement/ direction

This is the Eiffel tower in Paris. It's light shows direction of movement.

Rythum: Movement/ dynamics

This is my cousin skate boarding. She shows dynamic movement

Rhythum: Non-pattern

This is another cover from my bed, it has no pattern.

Rythum: Pattern

This is the cover on my bed. Its an example of pattern

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is Little Joe's horse. He is contrast


This is Jack. He's my internal image


This is my picture of context

Human reference

here is my human reference

Scale and proportion

here are some images which show scale and proportion


For lack of anything better to find, I used this for asymmetry

Radial symmetry

This stained glass lamp shade displays radial symmetry

Bilateral symmetry

This is an image of bilateral symmetry

Figure ground

This is an image of figure ground relationship